Extensive Experience in Leadership and Corporate Coaching

Introducing Judy Silvan, LICSW
MH Licensure

SmartHeart Executive & Leadership Coaching

Judy’s Approach

Judy Silvan offers the executive professional far-ranging consultation and coaching. She blends her skills in building Neuroplasticity and resilience with her expertise in AED-Coaching to arrive at a powerful corporate leadership coaching package. Team consensus and esprit de corps becomes the norm, and your work-life balance will feel more seamless. C-Team members who work with Judy quickly learn to maintain equilibrium as corporate or industry leaders— and also with family and friends. Coaching and consultation offers a safe space for professional and relational growth, helping you navigate career ladder development and lasting emotional transformations.

Providing a safe space to unfold and solve work and life challenges:

Enjoy the privacy and relaxation of your own space, complemented by the convenience and safety of virtual sessions. This remote coaching model is designed for a stress-free consultation environment, to focus fully on your personal career journey while ensuring flexibility. In-person coaching sessions available upon request, with location-specific arrangements.

  • Somatic & Mindfulness Coaching Skills

    I take a mindfulness and somatic approach focused on bringing the body's wisdom into coaching. I draw from yoga, meditation and bioenergetics to address embodied patterns and cultivate self-compassion. My areas of specialization in Executive Coaching also include work with trauma, increased vitality, enhanced creativity, deepened self-awareness and supporting personal growth and wellbeing for career satisfaction. I serve C-Suite Executives and Team members seeking a grounded, empowering presence.

    Learn About My Specializations

    30 mins | $250
    60 mins |  $450  

  • Executive Coaching

    Maybe you want to advance your career. Maybe you want more fulfillment in your work. Or maybe you want personal life changes. I offer executive coaching to guide you. With compassion and insight, I partner with executives to map goals and plans for change. Should mental health issues arise, I can connect you with a provider. I listen, understand, and explore how to collaboratively support your vision.

    30 mins |  $250  

  • Supervision & Workshops

    As an AED-Coach with over 30 years working in industrial settings, an AEDP Certified Supervisor, Bioenergetic Analyst, Keynote Speaker and Mindfulness Instructor I offer teaching opportunities to all modalities of coaches. I also consult to programs in universities, clinics and hospitals, and produce and teach workshops and retreats around the US and internationally. 

    Hourly Rates, (50-55 minute hours):

    Keynote Speaking: $500/hour

    Consultative Supervision for Coaches: $400/hour  

“Judy Silvan is an excellent resource. Attentive, creative, patient and calm, her ability to help me get inside myself has been a much-needed relief. As a big-firm attorney, I was both nervous and apprehensive coming into our work, but found myself immediately embracing the process." — Thom W, Attorney

Get started with Judy, today.