Extensive Experience in Leadership and Corporate Coaching

Introducing Judy Silvan, LICSW
MH Licensure

SmartHeart Executive & Leadership Coaching

Judy’s Approach

Judy Silvan offers the executive professional far-ranging consultation and coaching. She blends her skills in building Neuroplasticity and resilience with her expertise in AED-Coaching to arrive at a powerful corporate leadership coaching package. Team consensus and esprit de corps becomes the norm, and your work-life balance will begin to feel seamless. C-Team members who work with Judy quickly learn to maintain equilibrium as corporate or industry leaders— and also in life balance with family and friends. Coaching and consultation with her offers a safe space for professional and relational growth, helping you navigate career ladder development and lasting emotional transformations.

Providing a safe space to unfold and solve work and life challenges:

Enjoy the privacy and relaxation of your own space, complemented by the convenience and safety of virtual sessions. This remote coaching model is designed for a stress-free consultation environment, to focus fully on your personal career journey while ensuring flexibility.

  • Somatic & Mindfulness Coaching Skills

    I take a mindfulness and somatic approach focused on bringing the body's wisdom into coaching. I draw from yoga, meditation and bioenergetics to address embodied patterns and cultivate self-compassion. My areas of specialization in Executive Coaching also include work with trauma, increased vitality, enhanced creativity, deepened self-awareness and supporting personal growth and wellbeing for career satisfaction. I serve C-Suite Executives and Team members seeking a grounded, empowering presence.

    Learn About My Specializations

    30 mins | $250
    60 mins |  $450  

  • Executive Coaching

    Maybe you want to advance your career. Maybe you want more fulfillment in your work. Or maybe you want personal life changes. I offer executive coaching to guide you. With compassion and insight, I partner with executives to map goals and plans for change. Should mental health issues arise, I can connect you with a provider. I listen, understand, and explore how to collaboratively support your vision.

    30 mins |  $250  

  • Supervision & Workshops

    As an AED-Coach with over 30 years working in industrial settings, an AEDP Certified Supervisor, Bioenergetic Analyst, Keynote Speaker and Mindfulness Instructor I offer teaching opportunities to all modalities of coaches. I also consult to programs in universities, clinics and hospitals, and produce and teach workshops and retreats around the US and internationally. 

    Hourly Rates, (50-55 minute hours):

    Keynote Speaking: $500/hour

    Consultative Supervision for Coaches: $400/hour  

“Judy Silvan is an excellent resource. Attentive, creative, patient and calm, her ability to help me get inside myself has been a much-needed relief. As a big-firm attorney, I was both nervous and apprehensive coming into coaching, but found myself immediately embracing the process." — Thom W, Attorney

Get started with Judy, today.